Fill out the Become a Mentor form.
The Engagement Coordinator will contact you to schedule attendance for a two-hour New Mentor Orientation.
Criminal history background checks are conducted for the trained mentors before mentors and mentees meet.
Upon completion of background checks, the match process begins. We intentionally look for common interests for a successful mentoring relationship. .
Mentoring Coordinator meets with the new mentor, mentee, and mentee's family to kick-off the mentoring match.
Upcoming New Mentor Orientations
are scheduled for:
Future dates are to be announced soon.
Partners in Prevention Mentoring Program started as a pilot project in 1996. Since that time, the program has grown and now provides children with caring adult mentors in several East Texas school districts.
The Mentoring Program has received recognition over the years, including the Governor’s Volunteer Award for Forever Friends; Texas Association of Partners in Education; and highlighted in the 100 Best Communities for Young People award to Longview in 2008 and 2011.

Mentoring is an intentional relationship between a caring adult and a young person needing additional support and encouragement. Mentors encourage mentees to leadership by supporting their SPARKS, promoting academic success, making good choices, and completing a high school education with a plan for the future. Mentors meet four hours per month with their mentee.
Mentoring can help young people feel valued and face daily challenges through meaningful conversations and fun shared activities. Mentors can help young people celebrate their accomplishments, and set high expectations for personal growth and success.
We Serve::
Pine Tree
Spring Hill
White Oak
Aspiring Girls
Aspiring Girls matches caring women with girls in kindergarten through high school in a one-to-one relationship. Mentoring Coordinators plan regular activities for mentors and mentees. Mentors meet with their mentees at least four hours per month. Volunteer mentors commit to one year of mentoring or longer. Aspiring Girls was originally established as a pilot project in 1996 called Forever Friends and has grown to a program now serving five school districts - Longview, Pine Tree, Spring Hill, Hallsville and White Oak ISDs..
Aspiring Boys
Aspiring Boys matches adult male mentors with kindergarten through twelfth-grade boys in a one-to-one relationship. Mentors have regular contact with their mentees weekly and attend planned activities for mentors and mentees. Volunteer mentors commit to at least one year of mentoring. They inspire and encourage young people who can benefit from additional adult support. Volunteer opportunities for Aspiring Boys are available on campuses in Hallsville, Longview, Pine Tree, Spring Hill, and White Oak independent school districts.